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Breastfeeding advice

Benefit from my sensitive and individual breastfeeding advice as an independent midwife. I am at your side with expertise and experience to help you with all questions and challenges related to breastfeeding. Together we find solutions for latching techniques, engorgement, sore nipples and other breastfeeding problems. Enjoy a trusting and discreet consultation in which you will receive practical tips and personal support. Feel free to contact me to arrange an appointment and experience a loving and relaxed breastfeeding period.

Breastfeeding advice can include the following:

  • Attachment Techniques: Learn and practice different breastfeeding positions to ensure correct and effective attachment of the baby to the breast.

  • Milk Production: Information on stimulating and maintaining adequate milk production and tips on increasing milk supply.

  • Dealing with breastfeeding problems: Helping you deal with problems such as sore nipples, engorgement, breast infections or low milk production.

  • Breastfeeding routines: Assistance in establishing a suitable breastfeeding routine that meets the individual needs of mother and baby.

  • Nutrition and hygiene: Advice on a balanced diet while breastfeeding and tips on how to care for the nipples and breasts.

  • Breastfeeding Aids: Information on using nursing pillows, nursing bras, breast pumps and other aids to facilitate the breastfeeding process.

  • Weaning: Support and guidance on gradually weaning when the time comes.

  • Psychological Support: Sensitive guidance on the emotional aspects of breastfeeding, including fostering the bond between mother and baby.

  • Partner Involvement: Partner involvement in breastfeeding counseling to ensure supportive and informed support of the breastfeeding process.

  • Follow-up: Ongoing support and follow-up after breastfeeding counseling to ensure mother and baby continue to maintain a successful breastfeeding relationship.

Please note that the exact content of a breastfeeding consultation depends on the individual situation and the needs of the mother and the baby. Breastfeeding advice is part of postpartum care.

location and duration

The visits take place during the postpartum visits.

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